Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Protocol (JEDI)
NOS Sustainable Northwest
Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Protocol (JEDI)
1. Introduction
1.1. What is the JEDI protocol?
Purpose of the document
1.3. Importance of JEDI in NOS
Scope of the protocol
2. JEDI Principles and Values at NOS
2.1. Commitment to Social and Environmental Justice
2.2. Equity in access to opportunities
2.3. Diversity in decisionmaking and leadership
2.4. Inclusion of all voices in NOS projects
3. JEDI Implementation Strategies in NOS
3.1. Organizational culture and inclusive leadership
3.2. Recruitment, hiring and development of talent
3.3. Equitable work practices
3.4. Relationship with communities and equity in projects
3.5. Participation and representation of historically excluded groups.
4. Concrete Measures and Actions
4.1. Training and continuing education in JEDI
4.2. Creation of safe spaces and reporting mechanisms
4.3. Evaluation and improvement of organizational processes
5. Protocol Indicators and Evaluation
5.1. Percentage of women in leadership roles at NOS
5.2. Number of women trained in productive activities
5.3. Number of projects that include equitable participation of women
5.4. Discrimination reports attended to
6. Responsibilities and Compliance Mechanisms
6.1. Responsibilities of the NOS management and operational team
6.2. Role of the ethics committee or working group in JEDI
6.3. Procedures in the event of non-compliance with the protocol
7. Areas Responsible for Implementation within NOS Sustainable Northwest
7.1. Definition of roles and responsibilities in implementation
7.2. Coordination between strategic and operational areas
7.3. Monitoring and reporting of implementation progress
8. Bibliographic References
Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Protocol (JEDI)
1. Introduction
At NOS Sustainable Northwest, we believe that justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) are fundamental to building resilient and sustainable communities. Our work is deeply connected to the people and ecosystems in which they work and live, so it is essential to ensure that all voices are heard, that all people have access to equitable opportunities, and that collaborative work is based on respect and inclusion.
This Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Protocol emerges as a formal commitment by NOS to integrate these values in all our work areas. It not only seeks to promote an environment of equity within the organization, but also extends to our strategic allies and the communities with which we collaborate. Through this document, we establish clear guidelines for the implementation of JEDI principles in our internal operations, in project development and in our interaction with coastal communities.
One of the main challenges we have identified is the low participation of women in the productive economy within the communities we work with. This protocol not only recognizes this reality, but also establishes strategies to promote their integration, strengthen their role in the community and guarantee their access to development opportunities.
The JEDI Protocol is a living tool that will adapt and improve over time. Through its implementation, we seek to generate a positive and sustainable impact, ensuring that NOS continues to be a space where equity, respect and diversity are fundamental pillars in every action we take.
1.1. What is the JEDI protocol?
This protocol establishes NOS Sustainable Northwest's commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI), ensuring that our internal practices, strategic alliances and work in communities reflect these principles.
Purpose of the document
This protocol seeks to ensure that NOS promotes and practices equity and inclusion, with special emphasis on the active participation of women and historically excluded groups in the productive economy.
1.3. Importance of JEDI in NOS
NOS recognizes that marine prosperity and environmental sustainability can only be achieved if all members of a community have equal access to economic opportunities, participation in decision-making and representation in leadership positions.
Scope of the protocol
This protocol applies to:
- NOS internal personnel, at all levels.
- Strategic allies (collaborating organizations, funders and networks).
- Local communities with which NOS works, ensuring inclusive and equitable practices in its initiatives.
2. JEDI Principles and Values at NOS
2.1. Commitment to Social and Environmental Justice
- NOS works for the well-being of coastal communities and their ecosystems, ensuring that the benefits of conservation are accessible to all, without exclusion.
2.2. Equity in access to opportunities
- It ensures that all people, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or socioeconomic status, have access to training, employment and project participation opportunities.
2.3. Diversity in decisionmaking and leadership
- Diversity is promoted within work teams and leadership spaces in the communities, ensuring that women and other historically underrepresented groups have a voice and a vote in decision-making.
2.4. Inclusion of all voices in NOS projects
- Active strategies are adopted to ensure that women, youth and people from different cultural backgrounds are included in productive and conservation initiatives.
3. JEDI Implementation Strategies in NOS
3.1. Organizational culture and inclusive leadership
- NOS will foster an organizational culture where diversity is valued and respected.
- Concrete lines of action will be established to strengthen gender equity within the organization and in its work with communities.
3.2. Recruitment, hiring and development of talent
- NOS will apply inclusive hiring practices, ensuring diversity in its team.
- Equitable access to training and professional development opportunities within NOS will be promoted.
3.3. Equitable work practices
- A work environment free of discrimination, violence and harassment will be guaranteed, with clear mechanisms to address any situation.
- Equality in the assignment of roles and responsibilities within the NOS team will be encouraged.
3.4. Relationship with communities and equity in projects
- We will work with coastal communities to break down cultural barriers that limit women's participation in the productive economy.
- It will ensure that NOS programs include training, access to financing and economic opportunities for women and youth.
3.5. Participation and representation of historically excluded groups.
- The active participation of women in fishing, marine restoration and other economic initiatives will be encouraged.
- Specific programs will be designed to empower women as community leaders in decision-making on the use and conservation of marine resources.
4. Concrete Measures and Actions
4.1. Training and continuing education in JEDI
- NOS will offer annual justice, equity and diversity awareness workshops for its team and strategic allies.
4.2. Creation of safe spaces and reporting mechanisms
- Confidential communication channels shall be established to report any form of discrimination or violence within the organization or in community projects.
4.3. Evaluation and improvement of organizational processes
- NOS will integrate equity and inclusion criteria in the evaluation of its organizational and community impact.
5. Indicators and Evaluation of the Protocol

6. Responsibilities and Compliance Mechanisms
6.1. Responsibilities of the NOS management and operational team
- Implement the actions of this protocol in all work areas.
- Guarantee the inclusion of women in economic activities within the communities.
6.2. Role of the ethics committee or working group in JEDI
- Monitor compliance with the protocol and propose annual improvements.
6.3. Procedures in the event of non-compliance with the protocol
- Internal sanctions will be established for those who fail to comply with equity and inclusion provisions.
7. Areas Responsible for Implementation within NOS Sustainable Northwest
To ensure the correct application of the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Protocol, it is essential to define the responsible areas within NOS Sustainable Northwest, establish coordination mechanisms between strategic and operational areas, and design a monitoring and reporting system to evaluate progress and opportunities for improvement.
7.1. Definition of roles and responsibilities in implementation
The implementation of the JEDI Protocol at NOS will be the responsibility of various areas within the organization, ensuring that each team integrates the perspective of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in their work.
Main roles in the implementation
Executive Management
- Ensures the integration of the JEDI Protocol into NOS vision and strategy.
- Approves and oversees internal policies aligned with JEDI.
- Ensures the allocation of resources for the implementation of equity and inclusion initiatives.
2. Operational and Administrative Coordination
- Ensures that organizational practices (hiring, training, working conditions) comply with JEDI principles.
- Implements internal processes to promote an inclusive and equitable work environment.
- Evaluates equity indicators within the NOS team.
3. Projects and Community Outreach Team
- Applies JEDI strategies in the planning, execution and monitoring of community projects.
- Designs and implements concrete actions for the inclusion of women and underrepresented groups in the productive economy.
- Develops participatory methodologies to ensure equitable representation in decision-making within communities.
Communication and Awareness Area
- Promotes inclusive narratives in NOS communication materials.
- Disseminates good practices of equity and inclusion in digital media and public events.
- Ensures inclusive language and visibility of diversity in the organization.
5. Ethics Committee and JEDI
- Oversees compliance with the JEDI Protocol in all areas.
- Acts as mediator in cases of possible conflicts related to discrimination or inequity.
- Proposes adjustments and continuous improvements to NOS's equity and inclusion strategy.
7.2. Coordination between strategic and operational areas
In order for the implementation of the JEDI Protocol to be effective, it is crucial to ensure smooth coordination between the different areas of NOS. The following collaborative work mechanisms will be adopted:
Coordination Strategies
1. Interdepartmental Integration Meetings
- Biannual meetings will be held between the Executive Management, Operational Coordination and the Ethics Committee and JEDI to review progress in the implementation of the protocol.
- Each area will report on actions implemented and challenges encountered.
Equity-focused working groups
- Case analysis and learning sessions will be conducted, ensuring that each NOS project has an inclusion and diversity perspective.
- Experiences will be shared among teams to strengthen the integration of JEDI in operational activities.
3. Accompaniment and continuous training
- Periodic training will be offered so that all teams understand the importance of JEDI and have practical tools for its implementation.
- Internal guidance materials on best practices in equity and diversity will be developed.
4. Protocols for joint action in the event of incidents of discrimination or exclusion.
- Internal mechanisms will be established for the prevention and attention of cases related to discrimination, gender violence or inequality within the organization and in the communities with which NOS works.
7.3. Monitoring and reporting of implementation progress
To evaluate the effectiveness of the JEDI Protocol, NOS will establish a monitoring and reporting system with clear indicators to measure the impact of the actions implemented.
Key Evaluation Indicators

Follow-up Methodology
Annual compliance review
- An annual report will be made where each area will evaluate its progress in the implementation of JEDI.
- Areas for improvement and new opportunities to strengthen equity and inclusion in NOS will be identified.
2. Feedback spaces
- Channels will be created for the internal team, strategic allies and communities to provide feedback on the impact of the protocol.
3. Publication of progress
- NOS will include a section in its management reports on progress in the implementation of the JEDI Protocol.
- Transparency will be promoted through the dissemination of achievements and learning.
8. Bibliographic References in APA Format 7
- State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) (2024). Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Guidelines. State Coastal Conservancy. Retrieved from https://scc.ca.gov/files/2024/01/JEDI_Guidelines_FINAL_ES.pdf Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Guidelines: This document provides guidelines for building relationships with community organizations, supporting individuals and entities that advocate for equity and environmental justice, and working together to envision desired future conditions. It provides strategies for increasing equity and justice in programs and projects.
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). (2021). Gender guide for conservation and sustainable fisheries projects. IUCN & USAID. Retrieved from https://genderandenvironment.org/es/gender-guide-gender-responsive-guidance-for-coastal-conservation-and-sustainable-fisheries-projects/ Gender Guide for Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries Projects: This practical guide is designed to assist in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects that integrate a gender perspective in coastal conservation and sustainable fisheries. It is especially useful for addressing the inclusion of women in the productive economy within communities.
- Water For People (2022). Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Policy. Water For People. Retrieved from https://www.waterforpeople.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Water-For-People_Politica-de-JEDI_2022.pdf Water For People's Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy: This document details how an organization can incorporate principles of equity into its work, providing and advocating for access to essential services for all, including the most vulnerable and marginalized members of the community. It offers insight on how to address real imbalances and promote diversity.
- Equality at Sea (2023). Gender perspective in fisheries and marine conservation. Equality at Sea. Retrieved from https://igualdadenelmar.org Gender Equality in the Sea: This resource focuses on designing methodologies to include the gender perspective in sustainable fisheries and marine conservation actions. It offers training that integrates approaches and practices to identify and make visible the contribution of women in decision-making spaces in sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.
- Ministry of Environment of Ecuador (2020). Guide for the integration of the gender perspective in environmental management. Ministry of Environment of Ecuador. Retrieved from https://www.ambiente.gob.ec/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2020/10/GUIAarmadaDe2.pdf Guide for Gender Mainstreaming in Environmental Management: Published by the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador, this guide provides guidelines for incorporating gender issues and promoting equality in environmental projects. It includes methodologies and practical tools to ensure that environmental initiatives are inclusive and equitable.
- Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (2016). Guidance for gender mainstreaming in national biodiversity strategies and action plans. CBD. Retrieved from. https://www.cbd.int/doc/publications/cbd-ts-49-es.pdf Guidance for Gender Mainstreaming in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans: This guide offers assistance for the development of national biodiversity strategies, emphasizing the importance of integrating a gender perspective into conservation policies to achieve more effective and sustainable results.
- National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI). (2018). Reference protocol for incorporating the gender perspective in resolutions on access to public information. Retrieved from. https://micrositios.inai.org.mx/derechoshumanos/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/protocolo.pdf
- Congress of Mexico City (2021). Protocol to strengthen substantive equality and non-discrimination. Retrieved from https://genero.congresocdmx.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2021.08.09-ProtocoloForta-NoDis-IgualSus-VerFINAL.pdf
- Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN). (2020). Protocol for judging with a gender perspective. Retrieved from https://www.scjn.gob.mx/derechos-humanos/sites/default/files/protocolos/archivos/2022-01/Protocolo%20para%20juzgar%20con%20perspectiva%20de%20genero_2022.pdf
- Welfare Secretariat (n.d.). Gender equality. Government of Mexico. Retrieved from https://www.gob.mx/bienestar/acciones-y-programas/igualdad-de-genero-174139
- National Commission for Regulatory Improvement (CONAMER) (n.d.). Gender equity and human rights. Government of Mexico. Retrieved from https://www.gob.mx/conamer/acciones-y-programas/equidad-de-genero?state=published
- National Electoral Institute (INE). (n.d.). Protocolo para la atención de la violencia política contra las mujeres en razón de género. Retrieved from https://igualdad.ine.mx/biblioteca/protocolo-para-la-atencion-de-la-violencia-politica-contra-las-mujeres/
- Unit for Gender Equality and Eradication of Violence of the State of Mexico (n.d.). Manuals and protocols. Retrieved from https://unidaddegenerosgg.edomex.gob.mx/manuales-protocolos
- Fomento Económico Mexicano S.A.B. de C.V. (FEMSA) (2022). Adjusting the system, not diversities: FEMSA's approach to 8M in terms of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. Retrieved from https://www.femsa.com/es/sala-de-prensa/comunicado/ajustar-el-sistema-no-las-diversidades-el-enfoque-de-femsa-para-el-8m-en-materia-de-justicia-equidad-diversidad-e-inclusion/
- Iberdrola Mexico (2021). Iberdrola Mexico for diversity and inclusion. Retrieved from https://www.iberdrolamexico.com/te-interesa/iberdrola-mexico-por-la-diversidad-e-inclusion/
- Forbes Mexico (2021). We need to differentiate diversity, equity and inclusion. Retrieved from https://forbes.com.mx/precisamos-diferenciar-diversidad-equidad-e-inclusion/
At NOS Sustainable Northwest, we recognize that each of the elements of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) are interrelated and mutually reinforcing. Together, they form a framework through which we make decisions and carry out our mission to strengthen resilient coastal communities, promote regenerative economies, and restore marine ecosystems.
The elements of JEDI in NOS Sustainable Northwest have the following meanings:
Justice involves awareness and deconstruction of systemic barriers that limit equitable access to resources and opportunities. At NOS, we recognize that socioeconomic and environmental inequalities have created deep-seated barriers that disproportionately affect the fishing and coastal communities we work with. Justice requires us to understand these disparities and take concrete actions to dismantle them, both in our organizational environment and in the way we collaborate with communities to strengthen their autonomy and well-being.
Equity involves creating systems and a culture in which all people have access to the resources and opportunities necessary to thrive. At NOS, we understand that we do not all start from the same point or have the same tools to achieve well-being. Therefore, our work consists of identifying and correcting structural imbalances that limit the participation of certain groups, such as women in the productive economy, young people in decision-making and the most vulnerable communities in the management of their natural resources. Equity at NOS translates into concrete actions that guarantee inclusion and fair access to sustainable development opportunities.
Diversity implies recognizing, valuing and learning from the different perspectives, experiences and knowledge that each person brings. At NOS, we celebrate and respect the cultural richness of the communities we work with, as well as the diversity of gender, age, ethnicity and ways of life that exist in coastal territories. We foster spaces for dialogue where all voices are heard and recognize that diversity strengthens our organization, enriches our decisions and broadens our impact in the region.
Inclusion is about building an environment where all individuals and groups feel welcome, respected, valued and supported in their participation. We recognize that many communities have historically been excluded from decision-making processes regarding the management of their natural resources. At NOS, we are committed to fostering an organizational and community culture that ensures that every individual, regardless of gender, age or social status, can contribute their knowledge and aspirations to the development of sustainable solutions. Inclusion at NOS means actively listening, building trusting relationships and ensuring that all voices, especially the most vulnerable, are considered in our strategies and actions.