
Visión compartida hace posible una transformación positiva de El Manglito.

Shared vision makes possible a positive transformation of El Manglito

La Paz community transforms its relationship with the sea through a collective approach, rescuing the Ensenada
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De manera coordinada y organizada, las ostrillas se colocaron en bolsas ostrícolas a densidades definidas.

Sustainable fishing and blue economy, the project of Las Guardianas del Conchalito

This group of women from the El Manglito neighborhood is working on sustainable mariculture projects in the following species
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En La Paz, mujeres impulsan el cultivo de ostión como alternativa económica.

In La Paz, women promote oyster farming as an economic alternative

The Guardianas del Conchalito receive from the company Sol Azul the first 150 thousand oyster mussels with which they will
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Evaluación no extractiva de callo de hacha, una innovación de pescadores de La Paz.

Non-extractive evaluation of callo de hacha, an innovation of La Paz fishermen

In La Paz, fishermen have introduced a non-extractive evaluation technique for callo de hacha, allowing for a more accurate assessment of
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NOS impulsa en La Paz un proyecto prototipo, incluyente y sostenible de pesca de botete.

NOS promotes a prototype, inclusive and sustainable pot fishing project in La Paz

The main participants in this project are fishermen over 60 years of age who are looking to develop an economic alternative based on
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ESPERE llega a El Manglito para transformar y sanar vidas a través del perdón y la reconciliación.

ESPERE arrives in El Manglito to transform and heal lives through forgiveness and reconciliation

The Forgiveness and Reconciliation Workshop, organized by NOS Sustainable Northwest, takes place from the 2nd to the 12th.
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