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Ensenada de La Paz, un refugio vital para las aves migratorias.

Ensenada de La Paz, a vital refuge for migratory birds

The bird migration is one of the most fascinating natural phenomena, and in La PazBaja California Sur, is experienced in a special way every year. This destination is not only a tourist attraction for its natural beauty, but also a key point for thousands of visitors. migratory birds that find refuge in their ecosystems.

Today that is World Migratory Bird DayIt is important to highlight that the conservation of these vital habitats faces great challenges, putting at risk the biodiversity that depends on them.

Because of its importance, the Ensenada de La Paz is recognized regionally and internationally:

Priority Wetland for Shorebirds in Mexico (SEMARNAT, 2008)
Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Convention, 2008)
Site of Regional Importance (Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, 2006)
Important Bird Conservation Area (CONABIO, 2002)

The floodplains and internal water bodies that make up this wetland provide nesting and roosting areas for many species of birds.

The Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) estimates that about 37% of the bird species in the region are migratory, highlighting the importance of maintaining habitats in good condition.

Among the species that use this zone are the least tern (Sternula antillarum) and the Elegant Tern (Thalasseus elegans), two migratory species that depend on coastal ecosystems for feeding and reproduction.

Monitoring reveals a worrisome decline in the number of shorebirds who use this area as a resting place. WHSRN details that, in 2006, the site was home to at least 20,000 shorebirds per year.

The study Status of waterfowl in La Paz Inletby Pronatura Noroeste, UABCS y UABCS Bird Laboratory details that in the 2021-22 season, 15,600 shorebirds were recorded.

The research indicates that in the period from 2013 to 2022, the minimum recorded has been 8,068 individuals and the maximum 18,957, with an average of 13,100.

The conservation of these ecosystems is crucial to the well-being of thousands of migratory birds that depend on them and that future generations can continue to witness this extraordinary natural phenomenon.

Sources: WHSRN, Ramsar, Pronatura Noroeste


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Ensenada de La Paz, un refugio vital para las aves migratorias.
Ensenada de La Paz, a vital refuge for migratory birds
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