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Arrecifes artificiales tipo Shell Nurse: un oasis de vida marina, destaca investigador Marco Medina de la UABCS.

Shell Nurse-type artificial reefs: an oasis of marine life, highlights researcher Marco Medina of the UABCS

La Paz, BCS. On Wednesday, November 27th and Thursday, November 28th at the La Paz Convention Center the Satoumi Seminaran event organized to present the results obtained by the installation of the artificial reefs type Shell Nurse in the Bay of La Pazas well as to communicate the principles of Japanese philosophy to the public. SatoumiThe aim of the project is to harmonize the relationship between human communities and the environment. marine ecosystems.

During the seminar, several specialists shared advances and findings related to this project, highlighting its impact on the biomass production and biodiversityas well as the potential of this methodology for restoring marine ecosystems in sandy deserts.

In his participation, MC. Marco Antonio Medina López explained that since 2023, a pilot test has been implemented in the Bay of La Paz with Shell Nurse type artificial reefs. These structures replicate the ecological functions of natural reefs and were installed in an area of sandy bottom at San Juan de la Costa.

"In total, 230 species of different organisms were identified, including invertebrates, algae and fish living in and around the reefs. This is comparable to what we found in rocky environments, creating oases in sandy deserts," said Medina López.

The project began in May 2023 with the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which allocated US$1 million for its implementation. Since then, the reefs have demonstrated a positive impact on biomass production and biodiversity.

Census results

Medina López noted that visual surveys conducted by divers every three months have shown an impressive concentration of fish since the first months of installation. Not only was marine activity maintained, but it increased over time.

"There are 35 recorded fish species, of which 14 are commercially important," he said. These include:
- Cherna
- Donkey
- Piglet
- Charrico
- Horse mackerel
- Cabrilla
- Burro rasposo
- Coconaco
- Yellow snapper
- Red snapper
- Black snapper
- Parrot
- Perico fish
- Cabrilla arenera

Impact on invertebrates and larvae

In addition, Medina López explained that reefs provide a suitable place for invertebrates, such as shells and other organisms, to attach and reproduce, which contributes to biomass production.

Additional contributions

The MC Yutzín Aimeé Jiménez GarcíaThe presence of jack mackerel has been observed in the periphery of the artificial reefswhich suggests an increase in nearby trophic levels. However, he indicated that more time is needed to confirm clear trends.

A space to share knowledge

The Satoumi SeminarThe event, which takes place from November 27 to 28, includes presentations by academics to present preliminary results of the project. This event seeks to foster the exchange of knowledge about the restoration of marine ecosystems under the Satoumi philosophy and its implementation in Baja California Sur.


Shell Nurse-type artificial reefs: an oasis of marine life, highlights researcher Marco Medina of the UABCS

The JICA-funded project is transforming the sandy bottom off San Juan de la Costa into an oasis of marine life, where there are already more than 200 species of different organisms living inside the arecifes and 35 species of fish around them, according to professor and researcher
Arrecifes artificiales tipo Shell Nurse: un oasis de vida marina, destaca investigador Marco Medina de la UABCS.
Shell Nurse-type artificial reefs: an oasis of marine life, highlights researcher Marco Medina of the UABCS
Cultivo de ostión, una actividad con posibilidades de mejorar el ecosistema y transformar vidas en Bahía de La Paz.
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Artificial reefs, an alternative for restoring marine ecosystems in the Sea of Cortez
Prueban en bahía de La Paz técnica japonesa para restaurar la vida marina del Golfo de California.
Japanese technique to restore marine life in the Gulf of California tested in La Paz Bay

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