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Turismo sustentable, clave para la conservación y el desarrollo comunitario.

Sustainable tourism, key to conservation and community development

The community-based tourism and low-impact is a valuable tool for the economic development of the communities and the environmental conservationhe said Diego Correa.

In an interview for NOS Sustainable Northwestthe coordinator of the Sustainable Economy program at the Sustainable Tourism and Social Development Network explained that this organization focuses on identifying community projects with tourism potential and help them develop in a sustainable manner.

"What we do first is to sound out projects, to sound out groups that have the potential for tourism activity, but with the difference that it is community-based, it is sustainable, low-impact tourism," he said.

Once identified, work is done to find out what the community groups are doing, what stage the projects are at, what their needs and interests are, in order to prepare a diagnosis.

"Through this diagnosis we can identify areas of opportunity, where we as an organization can support and this is through training, workshops, support for promotion, generating good practices, and even generating an exchange of experiences. Through these mechanisms, we are gradually strengthening these enterprises," he emphasized.

Benefits of sustainable tourism for communities

One of the key benefits that Diego Correa highlighted is the environmental awareness that these practices foster in the communities. By working on projects of sustainable tourismlocal residents learn about the importance of conserving and restoring their natural resources. ecosystems.

"When tourism is done in a way that is related to this type of vulnerable spaces, there are benefits for both. Both the ecosystem and human beings, in their social and economic activities, can take advantage of it," he said.

In addition, Correa explained that this type of tourism not only allows tourists to enjoy unique landscapes and experiences, but also gives them the opportunity to contribute directly to the conservation and restoration of the ecosystems they visit.

Current Sustainable Tourism Network Projects

The Sustainable Tourism Network is active in several communities in Baja California Surincluding La Paz, Loreto, Green Water, San Juaniquito y La Laguna Mountainswhere they collaborate with other organizations to strengthen community tourism projects.

At Sonora are supporting community-based tourism, in coordination with Conanp, with projects in Chueca Pointwith the Comca'ac community, and in La Manganear San Carlos. Also on the peninsula of Yucatan are working on the Calakmul Reserve with various women's groups with community tourism projects.

Projects by NOS

The Sustainable Tourism Network collaborates with NOS Sustainable Northwest in projects of ecotourism that drive the groups of The Guardians of the Conchalito y OPREwith Manglitoursfocused on promoting ecotourism as an economic activity and the conservation of these ecosystems.


Gray whale and dolphins give wonderful show to tourists in La Paz Cove

Visitors taking a Manglitours tour had an experience they will never forget, as they observed the cetacean swimming with a group of dolphins.
Ballena gris y delfines dan maravilloso espectáculo a turistas en la Ensenada de La Paz.
Gray whale and dolphins give wonderful show to tourists in La Paz Cove
Turismo sustentable, la ruta hacia la prosperidad y la conservación.
Sustainable tourism, the road to prosperity and conservation
Turismo sustentable, clave para la conservación y el desarrollo comunitario.
Sustainable tourism, key to conservation and community development
Tardes Calurosas es un encuentro comunitario que une educación y sostenibilidad en La Paz: Elizabeth Hammond.
Tardes Calurosas is a community gathering that unites education and sustainability in La Paz: Elizabeth Hammond

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