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Tardes Calurosas, un espacio que sirve a NOS para conectar e invitar a la reflexión,

Tardes Calurosas, a space that serves NOS to connect and invite reflection.

Hot Afternoons is an event that is periodically held Alumbra Innovations Foundation e International Community Foundation in which they bring together about 20 civil society organizations to share their work with the community, with the objective of raising awareness about the care of nature.

One of the invited organizations is NOS Sustainable Northwestwhich takes advantage of this space to connect with the community y create moments of reflection about the care of our beaches and ecosystems.

Pastora Álvarez RamosThe NOS coordinator emphasized that since last year they have already participated in three Tardes Calurosas and this edition will be the fourth.

Desde el año pasado, NOS han participado en tres Tardes Calurosas y esta edición será la cuarta.

"We were invited by Fundación Innovaciones Alumbra, they are part of the organizers, and International Community Foundation, both of which are NOS donors," he explained.

"For us it is a challenge, because it makes us be a little more creative, because our work is more in meetings, such as the topic of shared vision, which are more reflective topics, and how to implement productive projects or the project that the community wants to do."

He recalled that the first time they participated in this event the topic was about food and what NOS did was to survey the inhabitants of La Paz about their eating habits.

"What we did was to ask the community what they eat more, for example, meat, fish, chicken, pork or if they are vegetarian, and we were surprised because most people eat chicken or eat meat, being that here is a fishing state, how is it possible that we do not eat more of those foods that are more at hand and are healthier, because fish contain Omega 3 and all those properties that are beneficial to the body," he said.

For this Friday of Hot Afternoonsto be held at the La Paz Malecon Kioskas of 6:30 p.m., NOS Sustainable Northwest has prepared three activities, said Álvarez Ramos.

Este viernes 6 de septiembre habrá Tardes Calurosas en el malecón de La Paz.

"One is a reflective mural. We will have a raffle of questions and people will have the opportunity to draw a picture, a phrase or answer the question on a mural on brown paper. The other is also a reflective activity, there are two boxes, in one we will simulate a clean beach and in the other a beach with a lot of garbage; we will ask the families who come to the stand which one they prefer," he said.

For the third activity they will have a photo frame for people to take pictures with a phrase they want to form and share with the community, he said.

The NOS coordinator emphasized that in addition to approaching families, these activities seek to open spaces for reflection, especially in children and young people, so that they know the importance of taking care of our environment.

"What we have invited on the three dates that we have participated is to reflect and raise awareness of what we are doing both in our daily lives and in the community," he said.

Los niños participan con mucho entusiasmo en las actividades de NOS Noroeste Sustentable.

The project has succeeded in drawing attention to the issues that have been addressed, especially by connecting with the younger generations, who are the ones they are trying to reach.

He thanked Alumbra Innovations Foundation for the invitation to this space that has motivated NOS to be a more creative and closer organization to the community.

After the Hot Afternoons will follow the Sticky Nightswhich will be set by Robert Randolph, Duchamp Saloon y Dj Merin.

Después de las Tardes Calurosas siguen las Noches Pegajosas.

Tardes Calurosas is a community gathering that unites education and sustainability in La Paz: Elizabeth Hammond

Thanks to the collaboration between philanthropic foundations, the City Council and civil organizations, this event promotes interactive learning and environmental awareness in Baja California Sur.
Tardes Calurosas es un encuentro comunitario que une educación y sostenibilidad en La Paz: Elizabeth Hammond.
Tardes Calurosas is a community gathering that unites education and sustainability in La Paz: Elizabeth Hammond
Tardes Calurosas, un espacio que sirve a NOS para conectar e invitar a la reflexión,
Tardes Calurosas, a space that serves NOS to connect and invite reflection.
Roxanna de la Fuente se une a NOS Noroeste Sustentable para impulsar la innovación y el cambio.
Roxanna de la Fuente joins NOS Noroeste Sustentable to drive innovation and change
Jóvenes reflexionan con NOS lo que quieren para sus comunidades.
Youth reflect with NOS on what they want for their communities

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